
I and we, a group of moms work behind this blog. We want to make it clear that the information shared on this blog is based solely on our personal experiences, tips, and tricks as a mom. While we aim to provide valuable insights and guidance, we cannot guarantee the outcomes or results of applying the information in your own life.

Every individual and family situation is unique, and what works for us may not necessarily work for you. Therefore, we will not be responsible for any losses, damages, or inconveniences that may occur as a result of implementing the suggestions, advice, or recommendations found on this website.

We encourage all readers to use their discretion and consult with relevant professionals or experts when making important decisions or taking actions based on the content provided here. Your well-being and the well-being of your family are of utmost importance. I hope that the information on imomguide.com can serve as a helpful resource on your parenting journey.

Thank you for understanding and for being a part of our community.