New Mommy Survival Guide




New Mommy Survival Guide


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Let us imagine: you have just arrived at your home from the hospital, holding your newborn in your arms and making some random thoughts of how to get back things in a proper routine, and feeling exhausted, and suddenly starting to overwhelm by thinking about all this new mom stuff.

Aah! We know how tired this thought make you handle all the kinds of stuff like a new mom while holding a baby at the same.

But you don’t need to be panic now, we are here for you to guide you a proper survival package as a new mom by which you can handle all the stuff easily and more comfortably.

We know you may feel exhausted and tired, especially at the moment of those starting first few weeks where your newborn takes time for adjustment his/her routine and here you are as a new mom, try to handle your home chores and all.

So, if you need to get over all these terrific moments and tiredness, you need to follow our below mention tips of new mom survival guide where you can find some useful tips and tricks to tackle all the chores, yourself, the baby, and of course, the father.

So, let’s have a look at our guide below and make yourself ready from the arrival day of your newborn, however, in this guide, we have packed all the need-to-know basics facts and tips which new moms maybe missed from their massive baby books.

Here’s The Complete New Mom Survival Guide:

You may have seen so many pregnancy books before the delivery period, right? However, these pregnancy magazines make all things look so comfortable and easy, which develop our mind to exactly expect the same with our pregnancies. But, that’s not the reality, you need to be ready at any cost before the arrival of your baby.

There are multiple tricks new moms can use to make themselves active and always ready for the chores. Some of the best tricks would be:

  • To sleep when the baby sleeps: By doing this, you won’t feel any tiredness or weakness, you will feel energetic and complete all your other stuff very conveniently. Because you have already gone through sleepless nights during the pregnancy period, that’s why you need to take a good sleep after that.
  • Take help with a tracking App: Yes, there are so many baby tracking apps available online, which further helps new parents to take care of their babies without visiting the nursery room again and again. You can also find tracking monitors as well, which allow you to watch the baby and every movement easily so that you can perform other chores while your baby is sleeping.
  • Always take burp clothes with you: Burp is the major activities done by every other child in the first few months. You need to take a burp cloth every time you feed your baby, if one cloth is getting dirty then immediately change it to another one, don’t ever try to use the same dirty one, again and again, this may transfer bacteria and germs.
  • Give a treat to yourself: This is very important for new moms to take care of themselves, as their bodies still in the working process after delivery, so it will be better to take a good body massage for at least half an hour so that moms will feel relaxed and comfortable.
  • Don’t forget about your partner: Your partner may get jealous or feel lonely after your newborn, it is natural. Because you may give all your time to your newborn and get tired soon, and then sleep, right? Well, you need to change this habit and make a romantic moment with your partner (go to some movie, dinner date, or if you don’t want to go out then play a board game inside the house). The point is to give time to your partner.
  • Diapering time is important: When you change the diaper, don’t forget to apply rashing cream, you may not know when your baby is getting the rash, and believe us, rashes are the most dangerous and irritating time for newborn babies.

Read more: Jobs That New Moms Can Do To Earn Some Money

5 Essential Items Must Have To New Moms:

Some of the essential items must have in your “checklist” to buy before your baby arrive. These items are necessary to keep the baby comfortable and distracted free, and of course, moms will find more time to perform their chores when their babies have a funtime with these to include:

  1. Baby carrier
  2. A bouncy chair
  3. Baby’s separate cot
  4. LED lights in the nursery room
  5. Soft pillows
  • Things New Moms Should Have: However, new moms always being so tacky and frustrated about every little thing they notice from their babies, well this is all-natural! But, if you are a new mom and can get easily tensed on every little situation, then you need to have these 7 items close to you include:
  • A Nose-Sucking Device: This can sometimes happen that baby’s nose get snot blockage, and you need to clear the nose so that your baby can take breather clearly, that’s why a good nose sucking device can help you to solve the issue immediately.
  • Nail scissors: There are so many newborn medicure kits available in the market in which you may find a cute little plastic made nail scissor, you need to get this because babies can grow nails very quickly and if you didn’t trim them off, they might hurt themselves with scratches and all.
  • A handy camera: Yes, why not taking a handy camera with you always when you are with the baby? Every mom wants to capture little moments of their chipmunks by which they can recall it after the baby become adult, so always take a camera with you, you never know what your baby can perform in next step.
  • A nursing pillow: New moms sometimes forget to have a pillow under their arms at the time of feeding, you need to get a good quality soft nursing pillow which helps you and your baby to keep in the right position.

Final Verdict:

When you become a first-time parent, you will experience the most enjoyable and exciting moments ever where you see your baby grown up from sitting to walking. But, as a mom, you need to take care of yourself at any cost, treat yourself with a good spa, or have a long warm bath time when your baby is sleeping.

If your health getting distracts from the track, then you will not be able to take care of your baby.

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