Flower Garden Tips to Make Your Garden Fabulous



Flower Garden Tips


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If your garden is a bed of dead flowers and is a disaster with mountains of mulch, then you have come to the right place. We tell you what to do about it and make it a fabulous looking you see in those fancy magazines.

Flower Garden Tips

Here are some tips for your garden to restore its shape and glory:

Tip One:

Start again – if your garden is full of weed and you want to convert it into a blooming and colorful flower bed then start all over again, first remove all the weeds and rocks and useless roots and fix your land start digging and planting good quality grass when it is ready to lay your flower seeds in the moist soil.

Tip Two:

Start seeding – if you want to save the money buy seeds not the flower, buy unusual varieties and enjoy a full-grown flower with a handful of tiny seeds. When you buy the seeds check on the packaging there are instructions written on them on how to sow the seeds, better is to start seeds in pots and trays to check the quality of seeds you can place them in some sunny spot inside the house and start planting them as soon as stems start to develop.

Tip Three:

Grow Nursery plants – when you grow nursery grown bedding plants they give instant gratification, but they need to be planted instantly after the purchase otherwise they wither. Pack them closely to avoid any damage and once you reach home don’t leave them in sun for a long time otherwise they will fry. They need water so water them as soon as you reach home. They have fragile roots so plant them cautiously.

Tip Four:

How to get a winning edge – when the edges are not clearly defined it will look sloppy and to avoid this make edges with plastic but if you want more specific ones to choose other long-lasting options. The best solution is to make a trench around the bed of your plants and maintain it throughout the season, but the more permanent option is making an edge with concrete and bricks or even fancy rocks with a look more specified and beautiful.

Tip Five:

Plant according to the season – choose flowers according to the seasons and replace them after two seasons this makes the land more fertile and your plants will last longer, planting evergreen shrubs and ornamental grasses this make a good structure to your garden. Place low height plants in the front and tall plants at the back and replace them according to the season.

Tip Six:

Give them proper space do not overcrowd them, at least give 2 feet of space to each variety.

Tip Seven:

Dig the perfect hole, put mulch and then plant the seeds once the soil is ready. Always plant few inches deep so the roots have proper space to grow.

Tip Eight:

One inch mulch is enough for your seeds it will retain the water and prevent weeds from growing.

These are some tips you can follow to make your garden look perfect in any season.

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